Audits play an important role to be in compliance with regulatory requirements. This also applies in the context of pharmaceutical logistics. All partners in the logistic chain, such as warehousing, transportation and delivering companies, must be qualified with regard to the requirements of GDP (Good Distribution Practices). One part of this qualification is an audit to verify compliance with the GDP regulations.
What are the basic requirements here? How should auditors plan, execute, and document an audit?
To provide basic knowledge and know-how for both auditors and auditees is the aim of the (German language) seminar
The GDP Audit - Qualification of Service Providers in Pharmaceutical Distribution
offered by Concept Heidelberg in Mannheim on May 10 and 11, 2023.
Dr. Martin Melzer, Principal Consultant of gempex GmbH, will lecture as an expert based on the background of many years of industry and authority experience. His topics are Audit Management in Distribution - Part 1: Audit Planning, Part 2: Audit Execution, Part 3: Audit Follow-up. He also leads the workshop "Conducting a gap analysis in preparation for an audit/inspection.
Valuable information for anyone who needs to plan and conduct GDP audits in the context of drug distribution or prepare for an upcoming audit.
Further information on the program is available on the website of the organizer Concept Heidelberg.
For questions on the topic of GDP, audit management or audit preparation, the gempex team of experts will be happy to help via
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