MSA versus GUM

The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) approach is not only widely used in the life sciences industry and GMP world to estimate, determine or evaluate measurement uncertainties, measurement errors or measurement accuracies.
But don't we often make things too easy for ourselves here?

Because if measurement results are misinterpreted, product or process quality usually suffers. The effects can sometimes only become visible much later.

The limits of MSA become apparent when, for example, only individual verification tasks are required. Or if only a few test samples are available, measurement processes are very complex or the test object changes over time.

An alternative to the usual approach is required here. The "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement", GUM, provides a remedy. This international metrology guide offers the basis for a clear and transparent calculation of measurement uncertainty by creating a measurement uncertainty budget.

The German language specialist information by Manuel Goldstein, gempex GmbH, is dedicated to this topic:
MSA versus GUM
Determination of measurement uncertainties - when does which approach make sense?

The method based on the GUM is presented. Concise and to the point, the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches are compared and a practical recommendation is given as to when which approach should be chosen.

The German language article is available at Knowledge. 

For e any questions on this topic, please contact Manuel Goldstein, Senior Consultant gempex GmbH, via .